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Polish Wave Champion 2019

Polish Wave Champ 2019 :)

Polish Wave Championships 2019 only allowed enough wind to run the women category. It was difficult sailing with small waves, shifty wind and freezing cold, so I am happy to come 1st 🏆 @kilaz04 sailed awesome with some great wave selection and riding! It’s a pitty all the 10 registered girls didn’t make it this time. Boys will have to hunt down another forecast, I hope they catch one before it starts to snow ❄️! Even when cold I just love sailing in Poland ❤️

Baltic <3

Rigging up

We have a stunning seaside with forests all along the beach 🌲🐚 and the windsurfing crew is the keenest, most friendly bunch of wave enthusiasts you’ll find, many traveling for long hours through the night to make it to Jaroslawiec. It was a pleasure to catch up with everyone again and I had a blast 🤩 Thanks for all the laughs, for hot soup delivered to the spot by the legends from Poznan and for an awesome vibe on the beach. Thanks for organizing to and @wavecampwindsurfing 🙌 And for the photos to @baltic_surf_scapes and Beata Siwek 🙃

Frontloop in Jaroslawiec

The ca. 1000km round trip in less then two days and cold Baltic waters kicked my Sylt flu into 5th gear and I have been down with high fever for days now unfortunately 🤒 Hope to get back on my feet soon 💪😁


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 Justyna Sniady 

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